Have a nice day in japanese translation 847774-Have a nice day in japanese translation

Have a good day;Provided to YouTube by Sony Music Labels IncHave a Nice Day · Kana NishinoLove Collection 2 Pink℗ 16 SME RecordsReleased on Arranger Naoki ItaExplanation "Yoi ichi nichi o" is the short form of "良 (よ)い一日 (いちにち)をお過 (す)ごしください yoi ichi nichi o osugoshi kudasai" and is more often used in writing Actually the Japanese do not say this phrase often "Have a good day" or "I hope you have a great day" are often used in Western countries where people speak English but the Japanese do not have a custom of saying the equivalent

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Have a nice day in japanese translation

Have a nice day in japanese translation-The above phrases are used when you talk to older people or someone who you want to show your respect to such as a customer, etcGood day (Good afternoon;

Have A Nice Day In Japanese Translation

Have A Nice Day In Japanese Translation

Take care Have a nice day (Response to "行ってきます", used by people in the house) 38 ただいま tadaima I am home (Phrase used when coming back to home) 39 お帰りなさい okaerinasai Welcome back (Response to "ただいま", used by people in the house) 40 お気をつけて o ki wo tsukete Be careful 41 お大事に oLiteral translation よい一日を(yoi ichinichi o) but we don't say that in Japanese culture You can say じゃあまた(ja mata)or またね(mata ne)instead meaning more like "see you"良い1日を! いいいちにちを! ii ichinichi wo!直訳(Translation)⏩ いい日を過ごしてね。 元気でね、くらいの気持ちでいいと思います。/ ¡Qué le vaya bien!

But as it turns out there is a shorter version of this phrase which can be used in place of it All you have to do is drop the verb ending and instead say 良い一日をお;There isn't really a literal translation for 'have a nice day' in japanese, unless you were to say something in relation to a specific event Then you might say something along the line of 'kyo wa tanoshinde ikinasai', but even this wouldn't really be used (though it makes sense)Yoi ichinichi o Have a Nice Day in Japanese Namiko Abe is a Japanese language teacher and translator, as well as a Japanese calligraphy expert She has been a freelance writer for nearly years "Yoi ichinichi o " in Japanese translates to "have a nice day" in English

Have a nice day = Qué tenga un buen día!INTO JAPANESE こんにちは、良い一日を過ごしてください BACK INTO ENGLISH Hello and have a good day INTO JAPANESEA はじめまして hajimemashite (human translation)

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よい一日を! yoi ichi nichi o !Have a nice day, honeyNo se te olvide tu almuerzo Que tengas un buen día, cariño b que tengas un lindo día A word of phrase used to refer to the second person informal "tú" by their conjugation or implied context (eg今日は volume_up have a good day {interj} example JA 行ってらっしゃい volume_up good day for business and lawsuits {noun} JA 友引

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Yes, holiday in Japanese is "yasumi" But it may sound good to say "kyuuka," instead of "yasumi" if you want to say to have a nice holiday Of course youn can use "yasumi" as well So, "Have a nice holiday" is like "Yoi Ii kyuuka wo ne!" or "Kyuuka wo tanoshinde ne!" Hope my answer helps!よう週末を。 Yoi shūmatsu wo (good weekend, followed by accusative suffix) it is not customary in Japan for people to wish each other a nice weekend There are a number of expressions of courtesy in English that do not have Japanese equivalents, for example one does not say "bless you" when somebody sneezes, instead one pretends not to have noticed Likewise, there are a number of expressions of courtesy in Japanese that do not have English equivalents, for example there isIf you're planning a trip to Japan, then the people you meet at your destination will be thrilled to hear you use these expressions, even if they're the only ones you know #1 Konnichiwa (こんにちは) – Hello #2 Ohayou gozaimasu (おはようございます) – Good morning #3 Konbanwa (こんにちは) – Good evening

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Yoi ichinichi o sugoshi kudasai;Q How to say How are you, Mike?Good morning konnichiwa Good afternoon konbanwa Good evening oyasumi nasai Good night ja mata See you, Bye mata ashita See you tomorrow sayoonara Goodbye hisashiburi Long time, no see ogenki desu ka?

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Human translation is shown below> HUMAN TRANSLATION 1 よい1日を Have a nice day HELP US MAKE THIS SITE BETTER Please, take a survey and help us make a better site for you(human translation) Q How to say What are you doing?A very old expression (think samurai times) for saying goodbye is さらばだ ( saraba da) and perhaps the closest equivalent expression is " adios !" So it is not something you would ever say to your boss, but you could use it as a joke amongst close friends

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